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PFT2NPT-1T熱電偶配件 美國omega

簡要描述:PFT2NPT-1T熱電偶配件 美國omega, 一手貨源,優勢批發,精度高,是優質的稱重儀表

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-02
  • 訪  問  量:8903

PFT2NPT-1T熱電偶配件 美國omega

Copper or Thermocouple Wire
1, 2 and 4 Wire Pairs
PFA Insulated Wire
10 -8 Torr/120 psi Rating
Each Unit Tested for Reliability
Material: Brass
Maximum Pressure: 120 psi
Leak Rates, Pressure: 1 x 10 -6 cc air/s at 120 psi; 1 x 10 -7 cc air/s at 29 inHg vacuum
Vacuum Limit: 1 x 10 -8 Torr
Leak Rates, Vacuum: 1 x 10 -8 cc He/s at 15 psi; 1 x 10 -11 cc He/s at 10 -8 Torr
Temperature Limits: -40 to 250°F (-40 to 120°C)
Out Gassing: < 0.003% VCM; < 0.34% weight loss; sample at 125°C, cold surface at 25°C
Wire: 20 AWG solid with PFA insulation; 48 in L, -200 to 200°C rating

產品型號 產品描述

PFT2NPT-1CU 1/2" npt pipe plug feed through with 1 pair of Copper wire
PFT2NPT-1J 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 1 pair of type J thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-1K 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 1 pair of type K thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-1T 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 1 pair of type T thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-1E 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 1 pair of type E thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-2CU 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 2 pairs of Copper wire
PFT2NPT-2J 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 2 pairs of type J thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-2K 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 2 pairs of type K thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-2T 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 2 pairs of type T thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-2E 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 2 pairs of type E thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-4CU 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 4 pairs of Copper wire
PFT2NPT-4J 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 4 pairs of type J thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-4K 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 4 pairs of type K thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-4T 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 4 pairs of type T thermocouple wire
PFT2NPT-4E 1/2" npt pipe plug feedthrough with 4 pairs of type E thermocouple wire
PFT2CPL-2CU 1/2" npt coupling feedthrough with 2 pairs of Copper wire
PFT2CPL-2J 1/2" npt coupling feedthrough with 2 pairs of type J thermocouple wire
PFT2CPL-2K 1/2" npt coupling feedthrough with 2 pairs of type K thermocouple wire
PFT2CPL-2T 1/2" npt coupling feedthrough with 2 pairs of type T thermocouple wire
PFT2CPL-2E 1/2" npt coupling feedthrough with 2 pairs of type E thermocouple wire
PFT2CPL-4CU 1/2" npt coupling feedthrough with 4 pairs of Copper wire
PFT2CPL-4J 1/2" npt coupling feedthrough with 4 pairs of type J thermocouple wire
PFT2CPL-4K 1/2" npt coupling feedthrough with 4 pairs of type K thermocouple wire
PFT2CPL-4T 1/2" npt coupling feedthru with 4 pairs of type T thermocouple wire
PFT2CPL-4E 1/2" npt coupling feedthru with 4 pairs of type E

PFT2NPT-1T熱電偶配件 美國omega


MHP-CAIN-14E-12-SMP-M熱電偶 美國omega



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