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TX75現場可編程變送器 美國omega

簡要描述:TX75現場可編程變送器 美國omega, 一手貨源,優勢批發,精度高,是優質的變送器。

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-02
  • 訪  問  量:1994

TX75現場可編程變送器 美國omega

TX70 Series

2-Wire Transmitters for Thermocouples and RTD’s
Provides 600 Vdc or peak ac Input to Output Isolation
Zero and Span Adjustability within User-selected Input Range
4 to 20 mA or 10 to 50 mA output signal

The TX70 Series 2-Wire Transmitters for thermocouples and RTD’s feature dip switch selection for input type and range. With the thermocouple models, the user may select from J, K or T input with one model, or E, R or S with another. All models feature 80% zero and span adjustability within any user-selected input range. Models are available with any desired input, with either a 4 to 20 mA or 10 to 50 mA output signal.
Ranging Example: the 0 to 500°C range for a type K thermocouple and a minimum span of 100°C, the user may select any 100° span within that 0 to 500°C range, such as 14 to 114°C or 379 to 479°C. Note: 2-wire transmitters are linearized to the voltage signal produced by a thermocouple, and not to the actual temperature.

注釋: * It is recommended to purchase the TX-SCALED option. To order a unit scaled by OMEGA, specify input type, low end of range, high end of range and °F or °C in the Special Instructions field in the last step of the Ordering Process and Add model TX-SCALED to the cart.

TX71 J, K, T input; isolated *
TX73 E,R,S input; isolated *
TX75 RTD input; isolated *
HEP-TX70 Explosion resistant head
TX70-RM Mounting ring
TX-SCALED Scaling charge

TX75現場可編程變送器 美國omega


NB1TX69-(*)變送器 美國omega



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