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DP3002-OR1電阻表 美國omega溫控

簡要描述:DP3002-OR1電阻表 美國omega,美國omega測試儀表 一手貨源,優勢批發

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-04
  • 訪  問  量:1365

DP3002-OR1電阻表 美國omega

4-1/2數字歐姆表,1/8 DIN
1年保修 CE
4-1/2數字歐姆表,1/8 DIN
DP3002-O:4-1/2數字歐姆表,1/8 DIN
19,999 Count Display Span
19.999 Ω to 19.999 kΩ Ranges
2-, 3- or 4-Wire Connection
120 dB CMR, 70 dB NMR
0.1 mV/ Count Linearized Analog Output
Bright, 14 mm (0.56") LED Display
Display Hold and Test
115/230 Vac Power
EMI/RFI Filter for AC Power
Screw-Terminal Barrier Strip
Short 104 mm (4.1") Deep 1/8 DIN Case
Serial BCD Output
Isolated 9 to 32 Vdc or 26 to 56 Vdc Power
NEMA 4 (IP65) Splash-Proof Lens Cover
The DP3002-O is a low-cost, high-resolution 4-1/2 digit (19,999-count) resistance meter with readout directly in ohms. Four ranges are jumper-selectable: 19.999 Ω, 199.99 Ω, 1.9999 kΩ, 19.999 kΩ. It is complete with low-level current excitation and open-resistance indication. The current source is tied to the reference of the A/D converter for true ratiometric operation and immunity to changes in line voltage.
Electrical features include linearized analog output of 0.1 mV per count, which is ideal for driving a strip-chart recorder. Mechanical features include a bright 14 mm (0.56") LED display, a screw-terminal barrier strip for signal and power, and a compact 1/8 DIN case that requires a depth of less than 104 mm (4.1") behind the bezel.
Power options include isolated 9 to 32 Vdc and 26 to 56 Vdc. Other options are a PCB edge connector for display control and output of +4.7 Vdc and -4.7 Vdc, and a splash-proof lens cover which meets NEMA 4(IP65) requirements.
Noise Rejection
NMR, SIG HI to SIG LOW: 70 dB, 50/60 Hz
CMR, ANA GND to PWR GND: 120 dB, DC to 60 Hz
CMV, ANA GND to PWR GND: 1500 Vp per HV test, 354 Vp per IEC spacing
Operating Temperature: 0 to 60°C
Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C
Relative Humidity: 95% at 40°C (non-condensing)
Type: 7-segment, red LED
Height: 14 mm (0.56")
Decimal Points: Four positions programmable by jumpers behind the lens or connector
Overrange or Break Indication: Four least-significant digits flash
Connection: 2-, 3- or 4-wire
Excitation Current: 4 mA or 40 μA
Resistance Break Indication: Meter displays overrange
Overvoltage Protection: 25 Vp
Accuracy at 25°C
Zero Tempco: ±1 MΩ/°C (19.999 Ω & 199.99 Ω ranges), ±0.1 Ω/°C (1.9999 kΩ & 19.999 kΩ ranges)
Span Tempco: ±0.005% of reading/°C
Full-Scale Step Response: 1 s
Warmup to Rated Accuracy: 20 min
Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Technique: Dual-slope, average value
Signal Integration Period: 100 ms
Read Rate: 2.5/s
Digital Inputs
Level: TTL or 5V CMOS compatible
AC Voltages: 115 or 230 Vac, ±15%
AC Frequency: 49 to 440 Hz
DC Voltages: 9 to 32 Vdc, isolated to 300 Vp; 26 to 56 Vdc, isolated to 300 Vp
Power Consumption: 3.7 W nominal
Output Voltages: 4.7 Vdc and -4.7 Vdc ±5%,10 mA max
Analog Output (Linearized)
Voltage: 0.1 mV/count
Calibration Error: Same as given under accuracy
Current: 1 mA maximum
Source Resistance: 68 Ω
Bezel: 96 W x 48 H x 5.1 mm D (3.78 x 1.89 x 0.20")
Depth Behind Bezel: 104 mm (4.09")
Panel Cutout: 92 W x 45 mm H (3.62 x 1.77")
Weight: 15 oz (425 g)
Case Material: 94 V-0 UL-rated polycarbonate

(1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) Model
DP3002 代表 4-1/2 digit ohmmeter
(2) Input Range
-OR1 代表 0 to 19.999 ohm
-OR2 代表 0 to 199.99 ohm
-OR3 代表 0 to 1.999 kohm
-OR4 代表 0 to 19.999 kohm
(3) Power options
Nothing(leave field blank) 代表 115 Vac 50/60 Hz power
-C1 代表 230 Vac 50/60 Hz
-C3C 代表 Isolated 9 to 32 Vdc
-C3E 代表 Isolated 26 to 56 Vdc
(4) Add-On Option
Nothing(leave field blank) 代表 red LED display
-G 代表 Green LED display

 DP3002-OR1電阻表 美國omega 


DP3001-4,D4數顯儀表 美國omega溫控



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