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CN96411TR控制器 美國omega溫控

簡要描述:CN96411TR控制器 美國omega,美國omega測試儀表 一手貨源,優勢批發

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-04
  • 訪  問  量:1337

CN96411TR控制器 美國omega

3年保修CE omegacare
The new 1 /32 DIN CN9500, 1 /16 DIN CN9300 Single Display and 1 /16 DIN CN9400 Dual Display controllers follow the OMEGA tradition of innovative design. Building on the success of the CN132 and CN9000A series, the new models include several new features, the most important being the option of a low cost serial communicating system with easy to use Windows-based software. The CN9-SW series software bridges the gap between the “stand alone" system and full SCADA of Fieldbus control networks by providing a facility for remote supervision of up to 32 instruments using MODBUS protocol. It requires only a modest investment and can be operated by anyone with a medium specification PC or laptop that can be run with Windows 95 or Windows NT.

產品型號 產品描述
CN9311 1/16 DIN Single Display. Relay on Output 1. Relay on Output 2
CN9311-C4 1/16 DIN Single Display with RS-485 Communications.Relay on Output 1. Relay on Output 2
CN9322 1/16 DIN Single Display. dc Pulse on Output 1. dc Pulse on Output 2
CN9322-C2-LV 1/16 DIN Single Display, RS-232 Communications and 12-24 Vac/Vdc Low Voltage Power. dc Pulse on Output 1, dc Pulse on Output 2.
CN9411-C2 1/16 DIN Dual Display with RS-232 Communications. Relay on Output 1. Relay on Output 2.
CN9412 1/16 DIN Dual Display. Relay on Output 1. dc Pulse on Output 2.
CN9422 1/16 DIN Dual Display. dc Pulse on Output 1. dc Pulse on Output 2.
CN9511 1/32 DIN Single Display. Relay on Output 1. Relay on Output 2
CN9512 1/32 DIN Single Display. Relay on Output 1. dc Pulse on Output 2
CN9512-C4-LV 1/32 DIN Single Display, RS-485 Communications, and 12-24 Vac/Vdc Low Voltage Power. Relay on Output 1. dc Pulse on Output 2
CN9522 1/32 DIN Single Display. dc Pulse on Output 1. dc Pulse on Output 2
CN96111TR Thermocouple or RTD Input, 3 Mechanical Relay Outputs
CN96411TR Thermocouple or RTD Input, 1 4-20 mA Output, 2 Mechanical Relay Outputs
CN962210V 0-10 Analog Voltage Input, 2 DC Pulse Outputs, 1 Mechanical Relay Output
BD9-C2 RS-232 Communications Board. Field Installable.
BD9-C4 RS-485 Communications Board. Field Installable.
TP4 Trim Plate adapter, 1/16 to 1/4 DIN panel cutout. Field Installable.
TP6 Trim Plate adapter, 1/16 to 1/8 DIN panel cutout. Field Installable.
CNQUENCHARC Noise Suppression RC snubber (2 leads), 110 to 230 Vac used for Inductive Loads. Field Installable.
CN9-SW Software for either RS-232 or RS-485 communications (refer to CN9-SW specifications. Compatible with Windows 95 and Windows NT.

(1) (2) (3)
(1) PID Autotune Temp/Process Controllers
CN9311 代表 1/16 DIN Single Display
CN9312 代表 1/16 DIN Single Display
CN9322 代表 1/16 DIN Single Display
CN9411 代表 1/16 DIN Dual Display
CN9412 代表 1/16 DIN Dual Display
CN9422 代表 1/16 DIN Dual Display
CN9511 代表 1/32 DIN Single Display
CN9512 代表 1/32 DIN Single Display
CN9522 代表 1/32 DIN Single Display
(2) Communications Option
Nothing(leave field blank) 代表 Standard Unit
-C2 代表 RS-232 Communications
-C4 代表 RS-485 Communications
(3) Low Voltage Power
Nothing(leave field blank) 代表 Standard Unit
-LV 代表 12-24 Vac/Vdc Low Voltage Power (see*above)

 CN96411TR控制器 美國omega


DPiS8數顯控制器 美國omega溫控



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