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FTB2001傳感器 美國omega

簡要描述:FTB2001傳感器 美國omega,美國omega流量儀表 一手貨源,優勢批發

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-05
  • 訪  問  量:863

FTB2001傳感器 美國omega

FTB2000 Series
Measures Low Liquid Flow Rates of .13 to 7.9 GPM 
FDA Approved Materials 
Lightweight Plastic Design Permits Mounting in Any Position
The FTB2000 series Hall-effect turbine flowrate sensor is ideal for OEM applications involving low flow liquid monitoring. The low cost, coupled with 1 /2 % repeatability, makes it an ideal candidate for replacing dispensing timer systems. Unlike existing timing systems, turbine technology is not influenced by changes in system pressure caused by aging filters. The sensor’s standard power and output specifications make it easy to retrofit to existing controllers.
Wetted Materials
Body: Nylon 12
Turbine: Nylon 12 Composite
Bearings: PTFE/15% Graphite
Accuracy: ±3% of reading
Repeatability: 0.5% of full scale
Operating Pressure: 200 psig
Operating Temperature: -20 to 100°C (-4 to 212°F )
Viscosity: 32 to 81 SSU (.8 to 16 centistokes)
Filter: <50 microns Input
Power: 5 to 24 Vdc @ 8 mA
Output: NPN Sinking Open Collector @ 50 mA Maximum (1 to 2.2 K Ohm Pull-Up Resistor Required) (Hz Output)
Electrical Connection: Spade Terminals 2.8/6.3 x 0.8 mm (0.110/.248 x 0.031")standard
Cable 1m (3') on optional "-C" versions
Inlet/Outlet Ports: 3 /8 " NPT Male

FTB2001 .13 to 1.3 GPM
FTB2002 .26 to 2.6 GPM
FTB2003 .26 to 4.0 GPM
FTB2004 .26 to 4.0 GPM
FTB2005 .53 to 7.9 GPM
FTB173941 Mating connector w/1 m (3'), 3 conductor, PVC pigtail leads
FTB173942 Mating connector w/3 m (10'), 3-conductor, PVC pigtail leads
DPF701 Panel meter for rate or total indication

注釋: Comes complete with operator's manual.

 FTB2001傳感器 美國omega


FTB-1400-MD數顯流量計 美國omega



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