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PHE-2114電極 美國omega

簡要描述:PHE-2114電極 美國omega,美國omega水質儀表 一手貨源,優勢批發

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-05
  • 訪  問  量:1626

PHE-2114電極 美國omega

Laboratory Electrodes for Many Applications
Glass Construction
300 mm Length Available

Model No.
Model No.
U.S. Std.
Applications/FeaturesInsertion Lngth
mm (in)
Insertion Dia.
mm (in)
Range °C (°F)
PHE-2121PHE-2121-UGeneral purpose laboratory150 (5.9)12 (0.47)0 to 140 to 100 (32 to 212)
PHE-2721PHE-2721-UDouble junction reference suitable for
applications that normally require calomel
150 (5.9)12 (0.47)0 to 140 to 100 (32 to 212)
PHE-2114PHE-2114-UGeneral purpose, large bulb110 (4.3)12 (0.47)0 to 130 to 100 (32 to 212)
PHE-2414PHE-2414-ULarge bulb, sealed double junction110 (4.3)12 (0.47)0 to 130 to 110 (32 to 230)
PHE-2314PHE-2314-UGeneral purpose, large bulb sealed110 (4.3)12 (0.47)0 to 130 to 110 (32 to 230)
PHE-2214PHE-2214-USealed inner, refillable outer junction110 (4.3)12 (0.47)0 to 130 to 110 (32 to 230)
PHE-2319PHE-2319-UHigh pH, sealed110 (4.3)12 (0.47)0 to 145 to 110 (41to 230)
PHE-2116PHE-2116-URugged bulb design140 (5.5)12 (0.47)0 to 145 to 110 (41to 230)
PHE-2131PHE-2131-UTest tubes, flasks150 (5.9)6 (0.24)0 to 140 to 100 (32 to 212)
PHE-2731PHE-2731-UTest tubes, flasks for organics,
proteins, metals
150 (5.9)6 (0.24)0 to 140 to 100 (32 to 212)
PHE-2123PHE-2123-ULarge test tubes, flasks150 (5.9)9.5 (0.37)0 to 140 to 100 (32 to 212)
PHE-2124PHE-2124-UExtra long for measurement in
narrow vessels
300 (11.8)9.5 (0.37)0 to 140 to 100 (32 to 212

PHE-2121 General purpose laboratory, BNC connector standard
PHE-2121-U General purpose laboratory, US connector standard
PHE-2721 Double junction reference suitable for applications that normally require calomel, BNC connector standard
PHE-2721-U Double junction reference suitable for applications that normally require calomel, US connector standard
PHE-2114 General purpose large bulb, BNC connector standard
PHE-2114-U General purpose large bulb, US connector standard
PHE-2414 Large bulb, sealed double junction, BNC connector standard
PHE-2314 General purpose, large bulb sealed, BNC connector standard
PHE-2214 Sealed inner, refillable outer junction, BNC connector standard
PHE-2214-U Sealed inner, refillable outer junction, US connector standard
PHE-2319 High pH, sealed, BNC connector standard
PHE-2116 Rugged bulb design, BNC connector standard
PHE-2116-U Rugged bulb design, US connector standard
PHE-2131 Test tubes, flasks, BNC connector standard
PHE-2123 Large test tubes, flasks, BNC connector standard
PHE-2124 Extra long for measurement in narrow vessels, BNC connector standard
PHE-2124-U Extra long for measurement in narrow vessels, US connector standard
PHE-1477 Flat surfaces, PTFE double junction, BNC connector standard

 PHE-2114電極 美國omega



PHCN-70 pH值控制器 美國omega



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