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OB-KIT-1高溫膠 美國omega

簡要描述:OB-KIT-1高溫膠 美國omega,美國omega加熱器 一手貨源,優(yōu)勢批發(fā)

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-05
  • 訪  問  量:1758

OB-KIT-1高溫膠 美國omega

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High Temperature Cements
OMEGABOND? Air Set Cement Series
High Temperature Cements, Models, OB-300, OB-400, OB-500,
OMEGABOND? Air Set Cement Series:High Temperature Cements
Thermally Conductive
Thermal Shock Resistant
Electrically Insulating
Resists Oils, Solvents, Most Acids
Adheres to Practically All Clean Non-Porous Surfaces
Porous Surfaces May Require Dampening**
OMEGABOND? 300 for Assembling, Sealing, Insulating
OMEGABOND? 400 for Coating, Embedding, Insulating
OMEGABOND? 500 for Coating, Dipping, Casting
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Air Set Cements set or cure through loss of moisture by evaporation. Atmospheric conditions therefore affect the drying rate. Air Set Cements are used mainly in thin film applications (applied in thicknesses less than 1/4")*.
1. Type of Application – Potting, sealing, encapsulating, assembling, bonding. Is a thick or thin film of cement required? This dictates whether or not an air set or a chemical set cement should be used.
2. Thermal Considerations – What is the maximum temperature that the cement must withstand? What degree of thermal conductivity is needed? What degree of thermal expansion is allowed? These parameters are then matched to the appropriate cement.
3. Substrate – What materials will the cement be in contact with?
4. Application Considerations – Pot life, set time, method of dispensing, batch size, cure procedure.
5. Miscellaneous Considerations – Porosity, moisture absorption, electrical resistance, volume stability,

產(chǎn)品型號 產(chǎn)品說明
OB-300 OMEGABOND? 300 Powder, 8 fluid oz (one part cement; just mix with water)
OB-400 OMEGABOND? 400 Powder, 8 fluid oz (one part cement; just mix with water)
OB-500 POWDER OMEGABOND? 500 Powder, 8 fluid oz (Two part cement; mix powder with OB-500 Liquid)
OB-500 liquid OMEGABOND? 500 Liquid, 8 fluid oz (Two part cement; mix liquid with OB-500 Powder)
OB-KIT-1 Air Set Cement Kit. Ideal for research purposes. Includes 2 fluid oz each of OB-300, OB-400, OB-500 Powder and OB-500 Liquid
OB-TL OMEGABOND? Thinning Liquid, 8 fluid oz used to dampen porous substrates before application of mixed OB-300 or OB-400 cements

OB-KIT-1高溫膠 美國omega 


NCRR-17-100發(fā)熱帶 美國omega



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