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LC901-3/8-10K稱重傳感器 美國omega

簡要描述:LC901-3/8-10K稱重傳感器 美國omega, 一手貨源,優勢批發,精度高,是優質的稱重儀表

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-06
  • 訪  問  量:1477

LC901-3/8-10K稱重傳感器 美國omega

OMEGA’s LC900 Series bolt force sensor is a compression load cell designed to measure the clamping force of a bolt. With excellent long term stability and all stainless steel construction, the LC900 Series delivers high reliability in severe industrial environments. This unit is designed to operate by mounting on a flat surface between two mounting washers (included).
The LC901 is also available in metric configurations, with ranges from 0-10,000 to 0-500,000 N. Please see the LCM901 for complete details, or contact our Pressure department for more information.
Excitation: 5 Vdc (10V max)
Output: 2 mV/V nominal
Accuracy: ±3.5% FSO (linearity, hysteresis and repeatability combined)
Zero Balance: ±4% FSO
Operating Temp Range: -54 to 93°C (-65 to 200°F)
Compensated Temp Range: 16 to 71°C (60 to 160°F)
Thermal Effects:
Zero: ±0.018% FSO/°C
Span: ±0.036% rdg/°C
Safe Overload: 130% of capacity
Ultimate Overload: 150% of capacity
Bridge Resistance: 120 Ω nominal
Construction: Stainless steel
Electrical Connection: 1.2 m (4') insulated shielded cable
Stripped End Cable Models
LC901-1/4-2K 1/4" Bolt sensor with 2,000 lb capacity & stripped end cable
LC901-1/4-5K 1/4" Bolt sensor with 5,000 lb capacity & stripped end cable
LC901-3/8-10K 3/8" Bolt sensor with 10,000 lb capacity & stripped end cable
LC901-1/2-30K 1/2" Bolt sensor with 30,000 lb capacity & stripped end cable
LC901-5/8-50K 5/8" Bolt sensor with 50,000 lb capacity & stripped end cable
LC901-3/4-65K 3/4" Bolt sensor with 65,000 lb capacity & stripped end cable
LC901-1.5-100K 1 1/2" Bolt sensor with 100,000 lb capacity & stripped end cable
Cable with Connector Models
LC911-1/2-30K 1/2" Bolt sensor with 30,000 lb capacity & connector installed on cable
LC911-5/8-50K 5/8" Bolt sensor with 50,000 lb capacity & connector installed on cable
LC911-3/4-65K 3/4" Bolt sensor with 65,000 lb capacity & connector installed on cable
注釋: 1) LC911 mating connectors, part number PT06F10-6S sold separay. 2) All LC900 Series include a NIST traceable calibration certificate.

 LC901-3/8-10K稱重傳感器 美國omega


LC602-150矩梁稱重傳感器 美國omega



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