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FLR-1615A流量計 美國omega

簡要描述:FLR-1615A流量計 美國omega,美國omega流量儀表 一手貨源,優勢批發,是值得信賴的流量儀表.

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  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-09
  • 訪  問  量:1417

FLR-1615A流量計 美國omega

FLR-1600A AND FLV-4600A Series

歐米茄?系列flr-1600a flv-4600a系列流量計和控制器,用了兩個的研究液體的物理特性來測量流量:壓力和粘度。壓差測量,在層流元件,流量計中,本質上是線性的結果。歐米茄?流量計測量差壓,層流區域內實現調節50:1的典型精度是滿量程±2%。它使用相同的技術為層流氣體質量流量和體積流量米,并有fma-1600a flv-1600a。沒有運動部件磨損。

Model No.
Water Flow Meter
Model No.
Water Flow Controller
Min ΔP = 5 PSIG
ConnectionFlow Range
FLR-1601A––––10-32 Thread0 to 0.5 sccm
FLR-1602A––––10-32 Thread0 to 1 sccm
FLR-1614A––––1/8 FNPT0 to 2 sccm
FLR-1615AFLV-4615A1/8 FNPT0 to 5 sccm
FLR-1603AFLV-4603A1/8 FNPT0 to 10 sccm
FLR-1616AFLV-4616A1/8 FNPT0 to 20 sccm
FLR-1604AFLV-4604A1/8 FNPT1 to 50 sccm
FLR-1617AFLV-4617A1/8 FNPT2 to 100 sccm
FLR-1618AFLV-4618A1/8 FNPT4 to 200 sccm
FLR-1619AFLV-4619A1/8 FNPT0 to 500 sccm
FLR-1620AFLV-4620A1/4 FNPT0 to 1 SLPM
FLR-1605AFLV-4605A1/4 FNPT0 to 2 SLPM
FLR-1606AFLV-4606A1/4 FNPT0 to 5 SLPM
FLR-1607A––––1/4 FNPT0 to 10 SLPM

Example part numbers are shown below. For additional configurations see the Part Number Builder below this table.
Water Flowmeter
FLR-1601A 0.01 to 0.5 SCCM, 10-32 thread
FLR-1602A 0.02 to 1 SCCM, 10-32 thread
FLR-1614A 0.04 to 2 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT
FLR-1615A 0.1 to 5 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT
FLR-1603A 0.2 to 10 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT
FLR-1616A 0.4 to 20 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT
FLR-1604A 1 to 50 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT
FLR-1617A 2 to 100 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT
FLR-1618A 4 to 200 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT
FLR-1620A 0.02 to 1 SLPM, 1/4 FNPT
FLR-1605A 0.04 to 2 SLPM, 1/4 FNPT
FLR-1606A 0.1 to 5 SLPM, 1/4 FNPT
FLR-1607A 0.2 to 10 SLPM, 1/4 FNPT
Water Flow Controller (Min ΔP = 5 psig)
FLV-4604A 1 to 50 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT water controller
FLV-4617A 2 to 100 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT water controller
FLV-4618A 4 to 200 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT water controller
FLV-4619A 0 to 500 SCCM, 1/8 FNPT water controller
FLV-4620A 0.02 to 1 SLPM, 1/4 FNPT water controller
FLV-4605A 0.04 to 2 SLPM, 1/4 FNPT water controller
FLV-4606A 0.1 to 5 SLPM, 1/4 FNPT water controller
Accessories for FLR-1600/FLV-4600 Series
FMA1600-BP Battery Pack for portable use with water meter only (not for use with -B portable meters)
FMA1600-C1 Replacement 8-pin male Mini-Din connector cable, singled ended, 1.83M (6')
FMA1600-C1-25 FT 8-pin male Mini-Din connector cable, singled ended, 7.62M (25')
FMA1600-C2 8-pin male Mini-Din connector cable, double ended, 1.83M (6')
FMA1600-C2-25 FT 8-pin male Mini-Din connector cable, double ended, 7.62M (25')
FMA1600-C3 8-pin male Mini-Din to DB9 female adapter, 1.83M (6')
FMA1600-CRA 8-pin male right-angle Mini-Din cable, singled ended, 7.83M (6')
FMA1600-MDB Multi-drop box
FMA1600-PSU Universal 100-240 VAC to 24 Volt DC power supply adaptor
FTNY-K210BN Nylon body, tube ID 1/6" BAXB to 10-32 UNF connector
FTPP-K230NP Polypropylene body, tube ID 1/8" hose barb to 10-32 UNF connector
Comes complete with 24 Vdc universal power supply, 1.8m (6') cable, 8-pin male Mini-DIN connector, operator's manual, and NIST certificate.
??Portable versions "-B" have an integral battery compartment and come complete with 24 Vdc universal power supply, 1.8m (6') cable, 8-pin male Mini-Din connector, operator's manual, NIST certificate and 9V battery installed. Portable version is not available on models with 4 to 20 mA output.
Calibrations done at ambient (21°C/70°F) temperature only.
To replace the standard RS232 communications with RS485, add suffix "-RS485" to model number, add $120 to price.
**Optional secondary output are scaled the same as the primary output scale:
For alternate Temperature output scale, add suffix "-T" to the model number, no additional cost.
For alternate Pressure output scale, add suffix "-P" to the model number, add $175 to cost.
NOTE: Models with secondary output for pressure include optional gauge pressure sensor.
For units scaled in CFH, add suffix "-CFH" to model number, no additional cost. Specify required range in CFH.
For totalizer option, add suffix "-TOT" to model number, add 120. to the price. Please specify resolution. This is a 6-digit cvounter. Examples: For totalzing in liters with 1/100 liter resolution, the max count would be 9999.99. For totalizing in liters with 1 liter resolution, the max count would be 999999.
For a Remote Display, add suffix "-RD-*FT" to the model number, add $210 to the price. Replace the * in the suffix with the required length in whole feet, the maximum length is 3.6576 m (12'). Please note the optimum distance in feet is between 2.7 to 3 m (9 to 10').

(1) (2) (3)
(1) Type
FLR 代表 Water Flow Meter
FLV 代表 Water Flow Controller
(2) Code in Part Number
1601A 代表 code 1601A
1602A 代表 code 1602A
1614A 代表 code 1614A
1615A 代表 code 1615A
1603A 代表 code 1603A
1616A 代表 code 1616A
1604A 代表 code 1604A
1617A 代表 code 1617A
1618A 代表 code 1618A
1619A 代表 code 1619A
1620A 代表 code 1620A
1605A 代表 code 1605A
1606A 代表 code 1606A
1607A 代表 code 1607A
4604A 代表 code 4604A
4617A 代表 code 4617A
4618A 代表 code 4618A
4619A 代表 code 4619A
(3) Output
Nothing(leave field blank)
-I 代表 4-20 mA output
-I2 代表 second channel output of 4-20mA
-V2 代表 second channel output of 0-5 Volts

FLR-1615A流量計 美國omega


FLR1009ST-I低流量渦輪流量計 美國omega



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