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CL121-2溫度校驗(yàn)儀 美國omege

簡(jiǎn)要描述:CL121-2溫度校驗(yàn)儀 美國omege, 一手貨源,優(yōu)勢(shì)批發(fā),精度高,是優(yōu)質(zhì)的溫濕度儀表

  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):
  • 廠商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-04-09
  • 訪  問  量:1467

CL121-2溫度校驗(yàn)儀 美國omege

干體式校準(zhǔn)器可在一個(gè)設(shè)備上同時(shí)提供加熱和冷卻功能。 具有“通用夾抓"來容納不規(guī)則形狀的傳感器
CL120 and CL134 Series
干體式校準(zhǔn)器可在一個(gè)設(shè)備上同時(shí)提供加熱和冷卻功能。 具有“通用夾抓"來容納不規(guī)則形狀的傳感器

加熱和冷卻的一個(gè)單元 采購的同時(shí)








NIST Calibration Traceability
Satisfies ISO and FDA Thermal Validation requirements
OMEGA certifies the accuracy of its products by using working standard test equipment that is compared to equipment calibrated yearly at NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and redundant equipment calibrated at an independent lab that maintains standards traceable to NIST. This NIST traceable documentation is provided for each calibration including the actual calibration data.
CL134 Series Temperature Source/Measure
The CL134 Series has the same features as the CL120 but includes measurement capabilities. This additional feature simplifies the testing of temperature sensors by conveniently housing both the Source and Measure in one package. The CL134 Series has three distinct capabilities:
1. A COOL Source (either Universal Jaw or "five hole block") with range down to -30°C (-22°F)
2. A HEAT Source with range to 500°C (932°F) with Universal Jaw or range to 700°C (1292°F) with a "five hole block." The CL134 Series may be ordered with two HEAT Sources and no COOL Source.
3. Measures thermocouples, RTD's, Current and Voltage.

注釋: Note for CL120 Series:
Two COOL Sources not available in one instrument. Add "-230" suffix for 230 Vac power option and add $75 to price.
Note for CL130 Series
Add "-230" suffix for 230 Vac power option and add $75 to price. K, J, T, E, C, S, R, B, and N thermocouple types may be read with 0.1°C or °F resolution. RTDs (Resistance Temperature Detectors) may be tested in 2-, 3-, or 4-wire modes with alpha values of 0.385 or 0.392. The outputs of temperature transmitters may be read directly by the MEASURE unit in either mA or DC volts.

CL121-1 Block Calibrator with single module COOL universal jaw -30°C (-22°F)
CL121-2 Block Calibrator with single module HEAT universal jaw 500°C (932°F)
CL121-3 Block Calibrator with single module COOL 5-hole block -30°C (-22°F)
CL121-4 Block Calibrator with single module HEAT 5-hole block 700°C (1292°F)
CL122-1 Block Calibrator with dual module COOL universal jaw -30°C (-22°F), HEAT universal jaw 500°C (932°F)
CL122-2 Block Calibrator with dual module HEAT universal jaw 500°C (932°F)
CL122-4 Block Calibrator with dual module COOL 5-hole block -30°C (-22°F), HEAT 5 Hole Block 700°C (1292°F)
CL122-5 Block Calibrator with dual module HEAT 5-hole block 700°C (1292°F)
CL134-1 Block Calibrator with COOL universal jaw -30°C (-22°F), HEAT Universal Jaw 500°C (932°F), & measurement readout
CL134-2 Block Calibrator with dual mode HEAT universal jaw 500°C (932°F), & measurement readout
CL134-4 Block Calibrator with COOL 5 hole block -30°C (-22°F) HEAT 5-hole block 700°C (1292°F), & measurement readout
CL134-5 Block Calibrator with HEAT 5 hole block 700°C (1292°F), & measurement readout {dual heat sources

CL121-2溫度校驗(yàn)儀 美國omege


CL23A校驗(yàn)儀 美國omega



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